It’s Not This Time of Year Without…

At this time of year Cathy is not without yarn, and the scarves and hats she makes for her annual give-away.

The weekly Photo challenged posed the prompt…it’s not this time of year without…Yarn! Lots of it!

All colors and textures…plus the compulsion to create, and, hopefully spread some cheer.

A number of years ago, I faced a lay-off. As our workload began to be reduced we tried to channel our energy in a positive way, so we did jigsaw puzzles, read books, and, even played the guitar.

One of the activities I learned during this time was loom knitting. It was something I always wanted to do.

The woman who sat across from me showed me the basics, and I was off!

In addition, I started crocheting again. It was something I hadn’t done since I was a teenager.

At the end of a few weeks, and just in time for Christmas, I’d created more than 20 scarves.

I later explained this was a relaxing activity, and it helped me work off nervous tension as a result of the impending lay-off.

Someone asked me who would get all the scarves. That was easy!

I mailed them to my mom so she could give them out to all the women in my family at the family Christmas celebration!

The number of scarves multiply throughout the season!

One year I made over 50 Christmas stockings and sent them to my family.

Whenever a little one is born in our family I send a stocking so that everyone still has one.

Cathy’s sister hosted the great stocking give-away!

Those activities launched a tradition, my “annual scarf give-away” that I’ve maintained over the past 7 years.

At this time of year there is yarn “everywhere.”

I create scarves and hats all year long, but I go into high gear at this time of year.

Sure, this takes a lot of hours, but I crochet while I’m in front of the TV, or, listening to music.

The end result is around 60 – 75 scarves and hats that I make for the sole purpose of giving them away.


Cozy scarves just waiting to go to a good home.

It’s a way for me to say thank-you to many people who have supported my family, and especially my daughter, throughout the year.

I’ve kept some in the car when I’m driving, so I’ve been able to give a scarf to someone’s who’s asking for change.

I may or may not have spare cash on hand so I’ll ask if they’d like to have a scarf. The answer so far has always been yes.

I’ve been privileged, and humbled, to know my scarves are keeping someone warm not only here in Texas but also in Oklahoma, North Carolina, South Carolina, Minnesota, Iowa, Wyoming, South Dakota, Illinois, Arizona, and, California.

My motto is “everyone deserves to have a warm neck.”

Perhaps that’s also my hope.

At this time of year, when temperatures often drop, I want people to have warmth and comfort.

I’m happy to contribute!

Cathy crochets the leftover bits of yarn into a large shawl…she enjoys being cozy and warm at this time of year, too!


I've always enjoyed writing and finally decided it was time to blog! As part of my profession I write every day, but I'm now trying to take the time to write creatively. My family and friends have been very encouraging as there is little that is written down in the way of a family chronicle. This is a favorite topic of mine! In addition to family history, I write about life, family, friends and faith. My husband is a full-time parent to our special needs daughter. I’ve explored this topic, too. I also enjoy music, crocheting, reading and relaxing with my family. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer!

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Posted in 2016, Uncategorized
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